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ShadowTraffic Studio is a light-weight, visual inspection tool to help you generate data exactly how you want.

How it works

Launch it

ShadowTraffic Studio is bundled with the container and requires no additional dependencies. Follow these steps to launch it:

  1. Start the container with the --with-studio flag.
  2. When you specify this flag, it'll start a web server inside the container on port 8080.
  3. Forward that port your host with Docker's -p command.
  4. Open up http://localhost:<your forwarded port> in your browser.

Your Docker command should look something like this:

docker run --env-file license.env \
-p 9876:8080 \
-v $(pwd)/your-config.json:/home/config.json \
shadowtraffic/shadowtraffic:latest \
--config /home/config.json \
--with-studio \
--watch \
--sample 10

Open your browser on your host (http://localhost:9876 in this example), and if everything worked you should be greeted with a screen that that looks like this:

image info

Now, go ahead and edit your configuration file. Each time you save it, ShadowTraffic will draw out a visual timeline of your generated data.

Inspect order

Each generator will be displayed as a timeline moving left to right. Click on the tiles in the timeline to see the contents of the event.

image info

Inspect relationships

If you use the lookup function, hit the show origins toggle on the right of the footer. You can see which specific events a lookup keyed off of.

image info

Inspect forks

If you use fork on a generator, each fork key will get its own track in the timeline. This makes it easy to distinguish the activity of individual forks.

image info

Inspect configuration

Click on the gear next to each generator to get a read-only view of its localConfigs in the footer.

image info