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Generator configuration



added in 0.5.7

global configuration

Changes the rate at which wallclock speed advances. Higher numbers speed time up. Lower numbers slow time down.

For example, a factor of 4 speeds time up by 4x, whereas a factor of .25 slows time down by 4x. A value of 1 matches the real clock speed and won't change anything.

The effect is that slower wallclock speeds allow generators to do more work in a given interval of wallclock time, and faster speeds allow generators to do less work.

The factor can be dynamic and chosen from a function. 1


Speeding time up

Use a value greater than 1 to speed time up. This example runs wallclock speed at 4x faster than its normal pace.

"generators": [
"topic": "sandbox",
"value": {
"now": {
"_gen": "formatDateTime",
"ms": {
"_gen": "now"
"globalConfigs": {
"timeMultiplier": 4
"connections": {
"kafka": {
"kind": "kafka",
"producerConfigs": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"key.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer",
"value.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer"

Slowing time down

Use a value less than 1 to slow time down. This example runs wallclock speed at 4x slower than its normal pace.

"generators": [
"topic": "sandbox",
"value": {
"now": {
"_gen": "formatDateTime",
"ms": {
"_gen": "now"
"globalConfigs": {
"timeMultiplier": 0.25
"connections": {
"kafka": {
"kind": "kafka",
"producerConfigs": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"key.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer",
"value.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer"

Varying the speed

Use functions to dynamically choose the rate. In this example, every other minute slows time down by 2x, and all other moments in time are sped up to 100x.

"generators": [
"topic": "sandbox",
"value": {
"now": {
"_gen": "formatDateTime",
"ms": {
"_gen": "now"
"globalConfigs": {
"timeMultiplier": {
"_gen": "intervals",
"intervals": [
"*/2 * * * *",
"defaultValue": 100
"connections": {
"kafka": {
"kind": "kafka",
"producerConfigs": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"key.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer",
"value.serializer": "io.shadowtraffic.kafka.serdes.JsonSerializer"


JSON schema

"oneOf": [
"type": "number"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_gen": {
"type": "string"
"required": [